Policies and Procedures

The San Diego Police Department is committed to continuous improvement in efficiency and effectiveness. As part of the Department’s commitment to transparency, the Department’s Policies and Procedures are being made available to the public. The documents are accessible through this page and can be view in its entirety. Procedures are frequently reviewed, edited, revised, and updated on a continuous basis.

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Find information on how to file a complaint against a member of the San Diego Police Department.

Written directives requiring compliance by all affected members of the Department for a period of two years.

Written expression of guiding principles requiring compliance by all affected members of the Department until rescinded or superseded.

Written descriptions of procedural steps that must be followed by all affected members of the Department until rescinded or superseded.

Written descriptions of State and Department Training curriculum.

Documents detailing an individual unit’s specific duties and operating protocols.

Department publications that introduce training topics, define subject matter, explain and discuss accepted practices, procedures and philosophies.