Citizens Planning Association

Citizens Planning Association (CPA) is a nonprofit grassroots organization that focuses on countywide land use issues. We advocate for the best standards of design and natural resource protection in order to maintain sustainable communities and protect the heritage of Santa Barbara County.

To further this mission we inform, educate, and engage with residents and decision makers; encourage citizen involvement; and serve as a watchdog for our priority objectives.

About Us

We are a nonprofit grassroots organization focusing on countywide land use issues.

We advocate for the best standards of design and natural resource protection in order to maintain sustainable communities and protect the heritage of Santa Barbara County.


Monthly Events

1st Monday: Speakers Series, noon via zoom

1st Thursday: North County Land Use Committee Meeting: locations vary

2nd Wednesday: Board Meeting at the office or zoom

4th Wednesday: South County Land Use Committee Meeting: CPA office at noon

No Events are currently scheduled

Get Involved

As a grassroots organization, to be strong and effective we need membership involvement.

There are a variety of opportunities to help make a difference in our community through volunteering at CPA.

Latest Letter

14 August, 2024

To SB County Planning Commission − Citizens Planning Association submitted a comment letter for the draft ND and we read staff’s responses. We are here today to voice full support of the SBCAN appeal of the Sentinel Peak Oil Trucking proposal and to ask the Planning Commission to deny this over-the-counter director’s approval, an approval made without an adequate environmental review. CPA would add the process reflects limited transparency and public input and violates many existing county policies. This is not just a truck rack, as named. This is a significant and dangerous project which overturns the County promises made to the communities in the 1980’s that there never would be trucking of oil from this plant. The pipeline infrastructure.